Wednesday, June 4, 2014


So, I downloaded my very first e-book this week. This is kind of a big deal, since I pretty much vowed that I would never, ever, in a million years do this.

I'm not a Luddite. True, I won't use a microwave, and I prefer driving stick, but I'm a librarian. Keeping up with technology is a significant part of my job. And beyond that, I get all my music - and the occasional episode of Good Eats - from iTunes. I stream from PBS. Facebook is my Rolodex, and ever since I got a smartphone, Twitter is my new favorite game.

However, I'm in love with paper. I want the actual book in my actual hands. I once brought an e-reader with me on a trip and still raided my hostess's bookshelves for a paperback - never even took the e-reader out of its box. Paper is how I read for pleasure. I just wouldn't read an e-book.

But I would listen to an e-audio book. That I would do - especially if it helps my library system win the OverDrive Challenge. (The fact that it's Neil Gaiman narrating doesn't hurt AT ALL.) I figure, if I'm asking my community to help support our OverDrive collection by checking out e-media, I'd better be prepared to do the same.

Print e-books may never be for me, but then I'm also the girl who said, upon being issued an e-mail address on her first day of college, "I am never going to use this. I got stamps for graduation." Clearly, there's always room for change.

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