About me

My name is Angela Newman, and I'm the Youth Services Consultant at the North County Library System in Watertown, New York.

That's upstate. And I mean way upstate. I mean cheese curd and maple-tapping and getting the French-speaking radio station from Canada.

I started this blog because I wanted to tell the story of what librarianship looks like in this area. Since youth services is my specialty, this blog will likely skew in that direction, but I'll try to keep it balanced with Grown Up Stuff.

I graduated from Drexel University's iSchool in 2010 with my MS in Library and Information Science, and then worked as a children's librarian in the Philadelphia suburbs for three years before coming back to the North Country. (Yes, I miss the Philadelphia springtime. No, I do not miss the Philadelphia traffic.)

I'm a member of the New York Library Association and its Youth Services Section.

Need more of a fix? You can follow me on Twitter or add me on Goodreads.


  1. Found ya! I love the new blog and yes, you are a little like Hermione.
