My format was pretty basic - introduce myself, talk a little about public libraries and summer reading at their local library, share a book, and then invite questions.

After the stories, Mrs. Slate called the students up in small groups for a book giveaway, and during this activity, I fielded questions from the third graders. I told the kids I would answer any questions they might have about books, libraries, or myself. Turns out, they didn't really have too many questions about books or libraries. But they really wanted to know about me.
How old are you?
Are you famous?
Do you travel a lot?
What kind of car do you drive?
Where do you live? Do you know any Smiths/Joneses/etc.?
But the absolute best question I got happened before my introduction to the third graders, when Mrs. Slate told the kids they had a special guest. A hand shot up. "Are you Mrs. Claus?"*
The first graders were a little too fidgety for Q&A, since they'd just come from a keyboarding class and were nearing the end of their ability to sit quietly. So, instead I taught them a rhyming song I learned when I was a summer camp counselor. Camp songs are gold when you need an impromptu activity for school-age kids. I highly recommend befriending a camp counselor and adding at least one or two to your bag of tricks. Even if you're not a librarian.
All in all, a great day. The kids enjoyed the stories - in fact, the first graders asked me to start right over again when I'd finished. I was able to promote public libraries and make a stronger connection with a school librarian in our system. (Talking shop with Mrs. Slate over lunch was an added bonus!) And the first graders ambushed me with enough surprise hugs to tide me over until my next school visit.
*And no, I was not in costume. Clearly, an affinity for cookies is something children can sense.
Love this! What a great post. I have an elementary school visit myself on June 5th in Tupper Lake and I can't wait to interact with all those brilliant little minds. Thanks for posting these gems Angela!