Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Many people I meet don't have a context for what I do in my job. They hear "librarian" and picture me shelving, checking out books, and shushing people.* Sometimes, they imagine me reading picture books all day. Those people are hilarious.  Sometimes, even when they know I work for the system, they'll ask me how things are going at the library.  And I could just accept that the concept of The System is pretty vague to an outsider and say "Fine, thanks," but rather than allowing someone to be even slightly misinformed (curse you, rigorous librarian training!), I usually launch into my job-description-in-a-nutshell speech.

"Well, I don't work in a library in the traditional sense. I work for the system, providing guidance, resources and services to the 65 libraries throughout our four county region."

(Paraphrasing, of course. I don't normally talk like a commercial voiceover.**)

And that is the short version, yes. Even after nearly a year on the job, I'm still learning the long version. But here's a quick snapshot:

On an uneventful day (and those are becoming more rare the longer I'm at this), I might answer my e-mail, check out the social media I follow for program ideas/titles of interest/what's going on in librarianship, send out a roundup of library youth services news, meet with system staff, update a webpage, field phone calls, and work on a longer-term project like planning an event or writing a report or a mini-grant.

(And if it's a Wednesday, there are e-books to buy. We love Wednesdays.) 

On an eventful day, in addition to all of the above, I might do some of these other things: Attend a library board or committee meeting, teach a continuing education class for youth services staff, help out with a library program or weeding project, conduct a site visit, participate in a training/webinar, or work with a library to solve a funding/staffing/building/other problem. (But not all in one day. I'm not Hermione Granger***.)

And, yes, sometimes I can even read a picture book at my desk.

Is this a comprehensive description of what I do? Well, no. I don't do comprehensive. Which is why I'm not a very good book reviewer. ("I laughed, I cried, I wanted to visit New Orleans.") However, in a nutshell, it's about right.

*Which is absolutely not the extent of librarianship, not even close, not even the tip of the library iceberg. I know you know that. Do I love shelving books? Of course. Did I ever get to do it when I was working in a library? Only when I was feeling stressed out and needed 15 minutes to do something Zen. Did I check books out? Naturally, while also answering phones and working on other projects. Did I shush people? Please. I worked in the children's department. Quiet is relative. 
**Except, yes, I do. 
***Except, a little, I am.

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